Social & Media
Leiton is actively involved in various activities. Follow us on our channels.

FR4 rigid printed circuit board (PCB) | media | multilayer

Media, press & social

"Do good things and talk about it". We do not do this for its own sake. We do it to encourage other people and companies to get involved! In addition to our commitment to a clean environment, we support various projects in schools, universities and research institutes. Together we want to create a better future and above all support young people with initiative and ideas in their projects. Be it with printed circuit boards, assemblies or financial donations - Leiton supports where it can and reports about it on social media and various specialist media. Follow us on Facebook, XING, LinkedIN or Instagram. Or read about us on, in PLUS or Markt & Technik.

Commitment to health, fun, play, innovation and inventiveness has been one of our cornerstones since our establishment in 2004. On the one hand, Leiton is involved in charitable purposes such as sponsorships for children in Africa, donating Christmas presents for children in homes and supports the local police and fire brigade. On the other hand, we support schools, universities and various young aspiring people whose inventiveness exceeds the budget and therefore depend on support from industry. Here we actively help with advice and sponsored printed circuit boards.
Press releases
Read about our products, environmental and social commitment, and the constant changes in a dynamically growing company like Leiton not only on the Internet, but also in relevant specialist magazines.
Customer reviews
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