Flexible Printed Circuits | PCBs | Boards | online | calculate | order

Online Calculation - Flexible Printed Circuits

Flexible Printed Circuits (FPC) Flexible Printed Circuits (FPC)
Flexible Circuits (FPC) 1-layer Flexible Circuits (FPC) 1-layer
Choose production time

WD = working days
* Note:Currently unavailable due to Chinese New Year. Lead time will get back to normal on 05.02.2025. You can find information about Chinese New Year here. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.
Specifications (According to production time)
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Anzahl je Platine:
Auf Gesamtdicke (inkl. Flex-Material):
Anzahl je Platine:
Auf Gesamtdicke (inkl. Flex-Material):
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