Inquiry form -
printed circuit boards
printed circuit boards
Versatile special technologies, options and circuit board types can be selected in the inquiry form
Leiton printed circuits | PCB | production | enquiry | multilayer | flex
Versatile special technologies, options and circuit board types can be selected in the inquiry form
Climate-neutral operation
since 2021
since 2021
- CO2 neutral through compensation
- Circuit boards – green on the outside, also on the inside
Member of the Fachverband Elektronik-Design
- Expertise through active exchange
- Expertise through training and further education

ISO tested by the most renowned auditor in Germany
- ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management
- ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management
UL approvals for various types of circuit boards
- UL for rigid FR4 PCBs
- UL for flexible circuit boards
- UL for aluminum IMS boards