Track heating and PCB weight calculator, flex bending radii, thermal resistance & voltage drop calculation
Track heating | weight calculator | impedance estimation | PCBs | tools | layout & design
Various tools and calculators for your circuit board layout & design
PCB designers can find useful tools on this website.
Track heating, heat management for aluminum PCBs, bending radius for FPC or weight calculation for your PCB orders - here you will find the required support!
Choose the required tool below. All tools contain examples for a specific PCB. You can print charts, tables and calculations for later reference. If you have any question please do not hesitate to contact us. You may link some tools, if desired. The source code is written below each PCB tool.
Overview of PCB tools
PCB Weight Calculation
Calculate weight, volume, area and shipping cost for your PCB project. The ultimate planer-tool for purchaser and logistic managers!
Track Heating
Calculate required track widths for high current PCBs. For PCB design on its limits!
FPC Bending Radius
Calculate minimum bending radius for your flexible circuits. Get the maximum out of your FPC!
PCB Heat Resistance
Calculate heat resistance and temperatures for heat emitting components on aluminum PCBs. A must for efficient heat-management!
Voltage Drop
Estimate trace widths on printed circuit boards regarding required power or voltage drop. Optimize the supply on your printed circuit boards!
Impedance Estimation
Estimate impedances and capacities of printed circuit boards roughly. Notice: this is not a replacement for professional tools! Leiton recommends Polar Instruments.
Climate-neutral operation
since 2021
since 2021
- CO2 neutral through compensation
- Circuit boards – green on the outside, also on the inside
Member of the Fachverband Elektronik-Design
- Expertise through active exchange
- Expertise through training and further education

ISO tested by the most renowned auditor in Germany
- ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management
- ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management
UL approvals for various types of circuit boards
- UL for rigid FR4 PCBs
- UL for flexible circuit boards
- UL for aluminum IMS boards